Servers NS and STAPPS were rebooted due to an error when running dsrepair. NS’s problems was not able to find the files – in which rebooting was the easiers fix. STAPPS’s problem was it hung while running DSREPAIR. All network access was still there, but backups would not have occured.
Monthly Archives: May 2003
Campusweb on AS400 is Not Available
Campusweb is off-line while repairs are being made to the credit card processing function. The outage is expected to last until 5:00pm.
FS server crashed
FS server crashed due to overloading of CPU. Why – yea – good question.
Attached sniffer to look for problems – maybe we will catch something if it happens again!
Had to restart, run vrepair, and it was good to go.
FS server failed
FS server crashed about 4:15 PM. Required restarting.
Drive failed in STAPPS
A drive failed in server STAPPS – one of the 2 4G sys drives.
The drive was reseated and it rebuilt.