Internet Connection is Slow or Non-Existent

About 4:35pm today (Mon, 1/19) EMU began experiencing slow Internet response times. The situation continues to worsen.

Info Systems is aware of the problem and is attempting to identify the cause. There is no projected time for resolution of the problem.

At the present time you may or may not be able to access off-campus web pages.

Investigation revealed that there was an unusually high number of TCP packets being both sent to and being received from the Internet connection (i.e. nearly 3X normal rate both in and out). This info was obtained from discussions with an ISP engineer. Total bandwidth, however, was within reasonable range. The only way to debug further was by use of advanced diagnostic equipment which was not easily available at the time.

About 9pm performance returned to near normal conditions without explanation.

Duration: 4 hours

Assigned Technicians: Jack Rutt