Network, phone outage in Martin Store, Weaver, Brunk houses

The demolition of Martin House later this summer requires us to move network and phone cables during the week of 22 Jul. On Monday, 22 Jul the buildings of CJP–Martin Store, Brunk House and Weaver House–will be without network, wireless, Internet and phone services. Work begins around 8:30am and is expected to complete by the end of day.

CJP faculty and staff access to phone, voicemail, email and other network services will be limited during this outage.
UPDATE: 07/22 12:00 In a mid-day status update to us, the contractor believes that there is little chance of network and telecom services being restored by end-of-day today (07/22). They will provide us with an estimated return-of-services time later this afternoon which we will post to this Outage record. (added by Jack Rutt)
UPDATE: 07/22 15:45 The contractor estimates that services will be back online by early Tuesday afternoon (probably around 1:00pm) if all continues at the current pace. They will be on the job early Tuesday morning (7:00am) in order to make this happen. (added by Jack Rutt)
UPDATE: 07/23 14:00 Terminating the fiber and copper cables is going slower than originally estimated, but there are no significant issues. We now expect that the computer network to Martin Store and Weaver House will be restored by 5:00pm today. Telephone connections will not likely be restored until sometime on Wednesday (07/24) for all three locations. (added by Jack Rutt)
UPDATE: 07/23 16:30 All three buildings now have computer network connectivity. Restoration of telecom connectivity is still “in process”. Update to follow for telecom. (added by Jack Rutt)
UPDATE: 07/24 07:00 Telecom connectivity is problematic and expected to be resolved on Wednesday morning. Brunk House computer network may be taken off-line for a very brief time on Wednesday to perform a cable test that was not completed on Tuesday. (added by Jack Rutt)
UPDATE: 07/24 10:00 All telecom connectivity has been restored. Some testing procedures need to be completed which may involve a brief interruption of computer network connectivity in Brunk House at some point today. We will close this outage when the contractor has completed the testing work. (added by Jack Rutt)

Duration: 2 days

Assigned Technicians: Ben Beachy