An equipment problem is preventing Internet access. Info Systems is looking in to the problem and expects resolution in under an hour
Category Archives: Internet
Internet Outage
Unexpected internet outage
Internet access unavailable
A problem at our service provider is currently preventing Internet access for most of campus. We’re working with them to correct this; estimated restoration time: 8:30.
Firewall needs rebooted – 3 minute internet outage
The Firewall needs to be rebooted to update the operating system.
Lancaster 827 router failure
The 827 router is/has failed. A new one is being acquired. Internet access is down.
Internet outage
We’re experiencing an Internet outage, and are looking into the cause of the problem.
The problem was resolved.
Internet outage
A network device was reset to correct the problem.
Scheduled Internet outage
The earlier attempt was only partially successful. A new piece of equipment will be installed by our service provider.
Planned Internet outage for equipment change
Our Internet service provider is making an equipment change that will interrupt our connection.
short internet outage
Brief internet outage – not sure why