FS Novell Server became unstable for unknown reasons. Graceful shutdown not successful. This behavior was different from that of Fri morning, 3/15. Efforts continue to determine the exact cause of these problems.
Monthly Archives: March 2002
11 hr Internet Outage – Problem Outside EMU
The EMU Internet link went down for a second time on Sunday, 3/17. Service was not restored until 9:30am Monday, 3/18. Problem was caused by a failed router in Roanoke, VA.
5 hr Internet Outage – Problem Outside EMU
5 hour Internet outage starting about 3pm. Problem existed outside the EMU network. Service restored at 8pm.
28 hr EMail Outage, 3/17-18/2002
The EMU email server became unstable about 5am, Sun, 3/17. A partial correction was made to the server at 2pm 3/17 that may have permitted it to process in-bound mail. Out-bound mail was not corrected until 9:30am, Mon, 3/18.
2 hr Faculty/Staff (FS) Novell Server Failure
FS Novell Server at 100% with very little being done. Flooded with bursting packets. Rebooted at 8:15am. Graceful shutdown successful. Services restored by 8:30am.
3hr Maintenance Outage for EMail
Reconfiguration of email infrastructure to integrate new mail server hardware. Significant milestone toward implementation of IMAP email which we hope to have implemented fully by July 2002.