Novell Server Service Pack 7 Upgrade

Novell Service Pack 7 needs to be installed.

The planned outage for this Service Pack upgrade is Saturday morning, 03/20/2004.

The process will require several hours of down time. Systems affected will be Novell file servers and all other systems that authenticate with LDAP (i.e. email, calendar, certain web services).

Plans are to begin shortly before 7am on Saturday, 3/20. If all goes well all systems should return to service by 1:00pm.

During the outage the following network services will NOT be available:

NOVELL FILE/PRINT: (P:, G:, Z: drives and network printers)

EMAIL: LDAP authentication will be down so users cannot login to email. No email will be lost because it will be held in queue.

CALENDAR: The Oracle Calendar LDAP authentication will be down. Users will not be able to login to the calendar server.

COMPUTER LABS: Windows computers located in computer labs will not be operational because they require LOGIN to operate. LOGIN is provided by Novell which will not be available during the outage.

CERTAIN WEB SERVICES: A few functions on the EMU web site require user login (i.e. access to web directory from off-campus). These rely on LDAP which will be unavailable.

All other network services should remain operational (i.e. Internet access for browsing and IM).


All systems were updated – no major problems.

Both NS and ST had to be powered off during restart. Is this due to the KVM switch again?

Ran DSrepair on FS – no problems

Changed the time server for ST – the existing one wasn’t responding.

Upgraded FS first, then FSAPPS and LD (at the same time), then ST and NS (at the same time).

On ST in the NWSERVER directory, renamed DELLMGR.NLM to DELLMGR.NL1.

Since the memory hadn’t arrived for LD, it wasn’t added – will need to be added some morning after we ever get it. This will max the server out to 2G.

The “backup” UPS wasn’t added to the second rack since the power source wasn’t able to be determined – waiting on phys plant to either verify what else is on that breaker or to add a new 20A circuit.

Duration: 5 hours

Assigned Technicians: Dan Marple Jr