Monthly Archives: May 2004

FSAPPS hard drive failure

One of FSAPPS’s hard drives failed this morning (or last night).

It is the bottom drive from the top bay. This drive is mirrored with the one above it. This is logical drive 0. Physical drive – Channel 0, ID 1.

I reseated the drive and it started the rebuild process. If it fails again when I’m not around, please replace the drive with one of our spares.

Web survey system – 5/10 9-10am

The survey/form system will be going through an upgrade process sometime between 4/29 and 5/10. Exact timing will be posted here.
4/29 update: plan to take offline 5/6 between 9am and 10am
5/6 update: postponed to 5/10
5/7 update:
Systems affected by this outage
-2 housing questionnaires
-2 course evaluations
-web account renewal form
5/10 update:
-successful database and code upgrade

Novell Faculty/Staff server outage (FS SERVER) – 1 hour outage

The Faculty/Staff Novell server (FS) will be down for about 1 hour to install a new tape drive.

Tape drive and SCSI card were added. No power cord was available, so a “Y” adaptor was used to jumper from SCSI drive backplane to the new tape drive.

The latest NWTAPE and ADPT160M drivers were loaded.

Also took down LD and installed the new memory. It is now at 2G – which is maxed out.