Internet Outage

Our internet provider is experiencing a technical difficulties. They have not indicated when to expect service to resume.

3/18/05 04:45pm Problem is with a large router at our ISP’s (nTelos) facility. InfoSYS opened a trouble ticket with nTelos. At about 4:30pm service was briefly restored following an nTelos “power cycle” but soon went down again about 4:30pm. No estimated time for restoration of service.

3/17/05 05:05pm Info Systems contacted nTelos for an update. System is still down. Likely a major problem since the previous power cycle of the nTelos router failed to fix the problem. There is no estimate on when service will be restored. Since it is now almost an hour prospects are NOT good for a quick fix. Could be several hours. nTelos will confirm with Info Systems when they believe the problem is solved.

3/17/05 05:30pm InfoSystems received call from nTelos that the problem has been resolved.

Duration: 1 hour

Assigned Technicians: Jeremy Good