The Student Information System (SIS) will be down from 5:00 to 6:00 pm this evening, to apply Windows updates to the EX database server, and to do a full G/L recalc to fix a problem Business Office has encountered.
NOTE: This includes myEMU.
The Student Information System (SIS) will be down from 5:00 to 6:00 pm this evening, to apply Windows updates to the EX database server, and to do a full G/L recalc to fix a problem Business Office has encountered.
NOTE: This includes myEMU.
The South telephone cable is being respliced to correct bad connections. This will affect telephone service for all phones in buildings south of the Campus Center (but not the CC). Any given phone should be out less than an hour.
Many applications on the web server were affected by an unplanned outage. All systems are now functioning normally.
ST novell server was rebooted due to some memory issues. This could have caused sporadic connectivity/authentication issues for LDAP related queries such as email.