An extended power outage around midnight powered down all servers in the data center. All systems except email and wireless were restored by 8:30am.
Details about email and wireless may be found at .
An extended power outage around midnight powered down all servers in the data center. All systems except email and wireless were restored by 8:30am.
Details about email and wireless may be found at .
After this morning’s outage our network access control system failed to restart correctly. Users, especially on Macintosh computers, may experience problems authenticating. We are in conversation with the vendor about this problem.
We expect outages for the following systems between 8am and noon on the 19th:
* on-campus internet access
* EMU web site and server
* email and calendar services
* file servers and services
* copiers and printers
* computer labs
* Moodle learning management system
We expect outages for these systems between 8am and 3pm:
* myEMU
* Student Information System (EX)
Lancaster’s Internet is currently down. They are contacting Comcast to resolve the situation.
Configuration problems caused NAC to warn and quarantine users. We have resolved the problems.
The network access control system is not redirecting computers correctly after login. Users who need to login to NAC this morning are not able to access the internet.
Due to a hardware failure the Netenforcer box was replaced. This caused an internet outage. Also needed to remove some cables so DMZ was also down.
The ASA needs to be rebooted due to changes in the IOS code.
The ASA needs to be rebooted to upgrade the IOS.
08/05 13:30 About 1:15pm today Info Systems was made aware that EMU’s internet services are not available off-campus. Our server logs indicate that the disruption began about 12:30pm. This means our web servers cannot be accessed from off-campus locations, except Lancaster and WCSC where we have special VPN connections.
This also impacts e-mail services as follows:
1. No e-mail from external sources is getting to EMU e-mail servers.
2. E-mail sent from EMU servers is being sent to external addresses.
3. E-mail sent internally to addresses is being delivered.
Information Systems is currently diagnosing the problem and will resolve it as soon as possible.
08/05 15:00 No change of status. Outage continues. Info Systems is collaborating with outside technical resources.
08/05 15:30 The root cause of the problem has been identified. Off-campus access to should now be working. Other services are being worked on (i.e. e-mail, webmail, Blackboard, etc). Progress will be made over the next hour and updates made here.
08/05 16:00 The problem has been fixed. E-mail to non-students will be sent prior to 5:00pm with additional information about the nature of the outage and its consequences.