UPS Failure , Several Servers Shutdown

The Matrix UPS providing power to the SOUTH RACK failed at about 8pm, Sun, 3/6. Discovered about 10:45pm. NetSYS tech support switched UPS to BYPASS mode about 11pm.

Servers known to be affected include: Calendar, Mail, DNS, CCTV, FS, FSAPPS. Exact status of servers unknown.

NetSYS techs discussed strategy and decided to take down all servers with single-source powersupplies and switch UPS back to OPERATING mode. This was done and UPS responded appropriately and all seemed to be working normally. Battery at 98%.

Special procedure done to the iSeries (AS400) box (a single-source power supply server). NetSYS worked with Loretta (via phone) to powerdown the unit. Pressed the right button on face plate and power-up proceeded to LOGIN screen on console within 5 minutes.

As a precaution DNS server moved to NORTH Matrix until we are sure all problems with SOUTH Matrix are resolved.

Some additional servers had to be restarted to insure they were running properly. In the course of doing these server restarts it was found that the MAIL server would not start properly. This may be due to changes made last week for the LDAP services. See separate Outage log setup for the MAIL server.

Duration: 5 hours

Assigned Technicians: Jeremy Good