Category Archives: Uncategorized

Scheduled Outage: Wireless Connectivty and Network Connectivity

Update: IS found additional problems that could not be resolved with this upgrade, and the upgrade was not successful. IS will be using the new information found in this procedure to continue working toward a solution. All services were restored by 12:45 am on July 8.

On Thursday, July 7, 2022, the servers that provide users with wireless connectivity to the EMU network and access to the broader Internet will be down. Maintenance will begin at 7:00 PM and the upgrade should take no longer than an hour. Wireless connectivity and access to the broader Internet will be affected for most if not all users.

Please reach out to with any questions or concerns.

Unscheduled: Internet Issues

UPDATE 2/21/22 9:05AM: This has been resolved.

UPDATE 2/18/22 10:15AM: There is a temporary workaround in place. Technicians will continue to monitor.

There is currently an issue in internet traffic routing. You can monitor reports of this issue at:

This may impact the following:

  • Moodle
  • myEMU
  • 25Live
  • Medicat
  • Google Workspace (Gmail)
  • Zoom
  • AppStream

Technicians are monitoring the situation.

Scheduled: myEMU & J1

myEMU and J1 are available for use (Except for J1Web)

See email for notes on new procedures for logging into J1 2021. The password you use for Jenzabar may have changed.

(Progress notes at end)

Thursday, Dec 23rd at 5 PM until noon Dec 24th is a scheduled information system outage for the Student Information System (Jenzabar J1) and myEMU. EMU will be upgrading Jenzabar One and myEMU. J1 will be unavailable during this time.

myEMU will only be down on the evening of the 23rd. myEMU Outage should start at 5 PM and last until midnight on Dec 23rd.  It may have limited functionality when it is available.

This outage is for J1 and myEMU. EMU payment processing (CashNET) is dependent on J1 and myEMU and will be down some during the J1 outage. PowerFAIDS interface to J1 will not work during the upgrade. Other systems should not be affected.

If you use the J1 client, please quit the client before you end work before Christmas break. If the client is running during the upgrade, you may need to restart your computer after the upgrade for J1 to work correctly.

This update includes:

  • Mandatory tax form updates
    • 1099-NEC
    • 1099 MISC
    • 1099R
    • 1099Q
    • 1098-T
  • Extensive changes to the way name and address information is stored in J1
  • A change to the login procedure to access J1 Desktop


  • Dec 23 – 5:00 PM Existing data backed up
  • Dec 23 -5:30 PM Start changing the structure of the J1 database (add new tables, add columns to existing tables, create new views, …)
  • Dec 23 -9:15 PM myEMU restored some features may be restricted
  • Dec 23 -11:45 PM CashNET restored, myEMU appears to be fully functional
  • Dec 24 – 2:45 am There is user authentication that is preventing people from accessing the J1 desktop.
  • Dec 24 – 7 AM There continues to be some problems with J1, but we should be able to allow user access by 10 AM
  • Dec 24 – 10 AM All systems are available for people to use. There are some scheduled jobs that are failing. Appstream users need to wait until J1 2021 software is installed there.
  • Dec 25 – 10 AM All systems are available for people to use except for J1 on appstream. Some scheduled jobs have been fixed. But 5 additional scheduled jobs have been identified as no longer working correctly.
  • Dec 26 – 9 PM found that some J1 desktop clients were not able to find the J1 server. This issue should be resolved on Dec 27.
  • Dec 27 – 10 AM Issue with J1 desktop client has been resolved. If you are still having problems accessing J1 please let IS know.
  • January 3 – 8AM Appstream is working

Unscheduled: Response to log4j Vulnerability

If you read the news today, you will see that there is a very bad security vulnerability with a software library called log4j.  We are vulnerable in several applications. In response we have proactively removed external access to these sites. 

Here is a list of what is affected
5. External access restored 12/11/21 11:00AM