Update 11/2/21 7:25PM File5 server is back online and access has been restored
We are currently experiencing an unscheduled outage of the File5 server that hosts a number of network file shares. Please check back here for updates.
Update 11/2/21 7:25PM File5 server is back online and access has been restored
We are currently experiencing an unscheduled outage of the File5 server that hosts a number of network file shares. Please check back here for updates.
We are currently experiencing issues with printing.
Update: by 5 pm it appears that much of the original problem was resolved. By 7 pm, the remaining lingering effects were fixed.
As of 4pm this afternoon there are numerous reports of an outage related to Microsoft Authentication which is used for signing into various EMU Services. IS is aware of the situation and will post updates as Microsoft resolves this issue
Moodle availability has been restored after it was taken offline to resolve a problem that could have resulted in an unplanned outage.
During Fall Break, beginning Friday afternoon on October 22 and lasting through mid-day on Saturday, October 23, Moodle will be unavailable. Information Systems will be working with a Moodle services provider, MoodleUS, to transition our Moodle software from its current location on campus to a cloud-hosted platform.
Thank you for your patience and flexibility as we work to maintain and enhance our Moodle service. If you have any questions please contact helpdesk@emu.edu.
Update 11am: Printing services have been restored
Due to a Windows update, users are experiencing issues with printing.
We are rolling back the update which will resolve the issue.
Additional work is required on EMU’s database server SISDB. The server will be restarted without notice several times between 8PM and 11 PM on July 5.
This will affect myEMU, J1, PowerFAIDS, and all databases hosted on SISDB
Sorry for the unplanned outages, but they are necessary for stable operations in the coming work week.
10:22 PM No further restarts of the SISDB SQL Server instance should be necessary this evening. Other work on SISDB is continuing, but users should be able to use all databases other than the test instance for J1 2021.1
On Saturday, June 26th, 6 AM until 6 PM is a planned information systems outage to upgrade servers. Not all databases will be down for the entire time. The hope is to have myEMU back in a few hours.
The SSRS report server, myEMU, J1, Powerfaids, CashNET, and all databases hosted on SISDB will be affected.
We are sorry for the inconvenience this will cause, but it is necessary that EMU upgrade its servers in order to continue using Jenzabar, the campus portal (myEMU), and financial aid software (PowerFAIDS). Thank you for your patience. If you have any questions please email the Helpdesk, helpdesk@emu.edu
7:50 Work is continuing. J1 Desktop is now available
12:10 PM Work is continuing. J1 Desktop and PowerFAIDS currently available. myEMU is not currently available.
3:45 PM MyEMU, SSRS Reports, J1 Desktop, J1 Web, PowerFAIDS are all available. Still working on scheduled jobs and other databases. myEMU will require additional maintenance work in the future.
5:30 PM Work is continuing and will be until 10 PM. Tasks still to be done are recreating linked servers, fixing problems with permissions, and recreating scheduled jobs. All databases hosted on SISDB are now online. MyEMU, SSRS Reports, J1 Desktop, J1 Web, and PowerFAIDS are all working.
6:00 PM Work is continuing. The Jenzabar play database is at the wrong version. It will not be available for a few hours. The Jenzabar production database and other database will continue to be available while work continues on the server.
11:55 PM Work will resume in the morning. Current issues: database mail is not working consistently, only some scheduled jobs are running, play database is at wrong version. MyEMU, SSRS Reports, J1 Desktop for Production, J1 Web, and PowerFAIDS are all working.
7 AM Sunday – Work has resumed on upgrade. The Jenzabar play database has been reverted from the 2021.1 test environment to a J1 2020.3 version. The normal uses of play can resume. Testing of J1 2021.1 is no longer possible. Work is continuing on database mail, database alerts, SQL agent job scheduling, and linked servers. MyEMU, SSRS Reports, J1 Desktop for Production, J1 Web, and PowerFAIDS are all working.
10 AM Sunday Database mail is now working in most situations. Still working on SQL agent job scheduling, and linked servers.
12 AM Progress is being made on SQL agent jobs. Linked servers still need to be worked on.
4 PM LDAP synchronization with J1 is not working. Link server between SQL Server and Salesforce is not working. All other linked servers are functioning. Most SQL agent jobs are now working. Work is continuing on the SQL Agent jobs which are failing. MyEMU, SSRS Reports, J1 Desktop for Production, J1 Web, and PowerFAIDS are all working.
6 PM All known problems with scheduled jobs have been resolved. There are likely additional problems that we have not found yet. Some scheduled times over the weekend were skipped. Some jobs ran over the weekend but failed to send the normal email. Continuing to work on other problems.
8 PM LDAP sync with J1 is now working.
12 PM Camel Salesforce integration has resumed. Salesforce linked server appears to be working, but some scripts that EMU uses need to be rewritten for the new version of DBAmp software. Some scheduled jobs are running but not able to record activity in a log file. Work will resume on Monday.
1:30 AM Monday Problem with scheduled jobs unable to write log files has been resolved. The only known problem at this point is with salesforce backup scripts.
UPDATE: As of noon Sunday, May 16, the known issues involving printing and authentication have been resolved.
As is generally the case after significant network maintenance, some services need additional attention to perform correctly. Information Systems is aware of a few that we will be addressing shortly. These include printing on campus as well as the ability to log into certain services.
UPDATE: As of 2:30 am on May 16, all significant problems have been resolved though a few minor issues remain that will be corrected in the next few days.
On Saturday, May 15, Information Systems will be replacing some core components of the network to address reliability problems and replace devices that will no longer be supported by the manufacturer. The outage will be extensive. Google services including email will remain available off-campus, but all on-campus technology will be unavailable, including phones and wired and wireless network access. Campus computers will be unusable for any tasks other than what can be done with locally stored files.
Outages of this magnitude are rare but ocassionally necessary to maintain a reliable network. Thank you for your patience and flexibility. If you have any questions please email the Helpdesk, helpdesk@emu.edu