Category Archives: Uncategorized

Scheduled: Upgrade Moodle to v3.7

We will be upgrading Moodle to version 3.7 on Monday, July 15th from 5:00 PM to 9:00 PM.

For more details about Moodle 3.7 please refer to the new features tour or the version release notes. There is also a series of videos that describe new version 3.7 features.

Please contact the Helpdesk with questions or comments: or 540.432.4357 (x4357 on the Harrisonburg campus).

Update 2019-07-15 6:41 PM: The upgrade is complete. Moodle is once again available.

Scheduled: Major core upgrade; significant outage

Update:  at 11:35 am the update and related tasks were completed successfully, ahead of schedule.

On Saturday, August 3, we will be taking a core network component offline for a software upgrade.  This will result in a complete outage of all technology and telecommunications services in Harrisonburg , Lancaster, and Washington (WCSC) as well as most web and internet services EMU provides to off-campus audiences.  We plan to maintain availability of the main website,, to external audiences by using cloud technology.  All other services will be unavailable (including telephone service).  The procedure will begin before 8 am and if all goes well, should be complete by noon, though it is anticipated that an outage of this magnitude will have some unintended consequences that will need to be addressed after the main procedure.

If you have any questions, please contact the helpdesk, or 540-432-4557.

Scheduled: CashNET


System Downtime during failover to Azure Saturday, June 8, 3:00 PM – 3:30 PM ET
AZURE TESTING WINDOW Saturday, June 8, 3:30 PM – 5:30 PM ET

This maintenance is part of CashNET’s effort to create a Disaster Recovery site hosted on the Microsoft Azure cloud.

The test will be a failover test where we will completely switch the connectivity of all Transact payments powered by Cashnet services in both Train and Production from the AWS infrastructure to the Azure DR infrastructure.

During the testing window, EMU will test some of these interfaces used by Transact payments:

Transaction Posting
Status Posting
Single Sign-On
G/L Validation
eMarket Checkout/Gateway Requests
eMarket Merchant Notifications
Web Services

4:48 PM Update: Online donation processing and online payment of student accounts have been down since 3PM. I am not expecting that these services will be restored until 6PM.

Unscheduled: myEMU

On March 18, 2019 EMU experienced difficulty communicating between the myEMU server and the J1 database server. This resulted in people being unable to lookup account balances, run PDF reports (including unofficial transcripts) using myEMU.

To resolve this issue Jenzabar restarted the myEMU server. My EMU was unavailable from 3:35 to 4:43 PM.