Scheduled: Papercut upgrade

Monday, August 3, 7AM to 8AM is a scheduled information system outage for Papercut in order to perform a necessary upgrade.  Papercut will be unavailable during this time, which will result in an outage of all network printing, copying, and scanning on the Harrisonburg campus.  Lancaster campus will be unaffected.

If you have difficulty printing after the upgrade, please reboot your computer to trigger a restart of your Papercut client software.

If you have questions or concerns, please contact the Information Systems Helpdesk: or 540.432.4357.

Update 8:00AM, the upgrade is complete and all print services are back up and running

Scheduled: myEMU & J1

Monday, July 13, 4 AM until noon is a scheduled information system outage for the Student Information System (Jenzabar J1) and myEMU. EMU will be upgrading Jenzabar One and myEMU. J1 will be unavailable during this time; myEMU will have limited functionality.

We expect to have myEMU available by 10 AM.

This outage is for J1 and myEMU. EMU payment processing (CashNET) is dependent on J1 and myEMU and will be down some during the J1 outage. Other systems should not be affected.

If you use the J1 client, please quit the client before you end work on Friday (July 10). If the client is running during the upgrade, you may need to restart your computer after the upgrade for J1 to work correctly.

If you have questions or concerns, please contact the Information Systems Helpdesk: or 540.432.4357.


Update 11:30 AM, both myEMU and J1 are available for use.  IS is continuing to do some additional work on the upgrade, but users are welcome to use either product.


Schedule Outage: PowerFAIDS

This outage only affects staff in Financial Aid.

PowerFAIDS will be upgraded from version 25.3 to 25.4 on Tuesday evening, July 7.

The server upgrade will start at 7PM on Feb 11. The server upgrade should be completed in thirty minutes.

Users will have to use the new PowerFAIDS 25.4 client to connect to the upgraded server.

The upgrade includes:

  • Ability to distribute Higher Education Emergency Relief Funds (HERRF) provided by the CARES Act
  • New fund attribute that Can Exceed Original Need and Budget (Excluded from EFA).
  • Ability to manually add a fund with this new attribute to the Student module packaging view.
  • Ability to add a fund with this new attribute through the Batch Module>Add Award process.
  • Ability to add a fund with this new attribute through the External Award load process and the External Award Data Entry Table.
  • Support for COD Loans with First Disbursement On or After October 1, 2020